No one wants to start the New Year seedy and hungover, so we’ve found and tested a few hangover cures that work for us and will hopefully work for you too!
Before you leave to go to your big New Year’s Eve bash, preparation is the key. Just like we prime our faces before we put make-up on or shaving cream before we get rid of that 3 day old beard, you have to prepare your stomach and liver.
Hydralite, Gatorade, Powerade, Gastrolite… Really, anything hydrating that you can get your hands on before you leave the house.
- EAT!
Yes we all want to have a flat stomach in our dresses or get drunk faster but carbs during the day is super helpful and your head will thank you for it after.
Steer away from coffee before you have a big night out. Instead have lemonade, it’s highly effective and will break down the chemicals produced in your liver when you’re drinking.
Stick to a certain type of alcohol. This could be wines or spirits, we just don’t recommend going from an espresso martini straight to a vodka shot, then having a creamy Jam Donut on top of a Baileys. It curdles in a glass and will do the same in your stomach (YUCK).
Didn’t eat before you went out? It’s okay you have time to smash a tonne of Maccas on your way home in the Uber or even save it to eat in bed. But salty chips and lots of them is a good cure to soak up all that alcohol inside.
Before bed, it’s time to down another one of those hydrating drinks we mentioned before. The main cause of a hangover is a dry brain (what a very scientific term). An hour before you decide to start your day take another Hydralite and go back to bed. Hydration is your best friend and your new favourite word when it comes to keeping the hangover demons away from you.
Vitamin B and vitamin C supplements will help your immune system fight off the hangover your body is dying to have and restore your energy levels to help you get back to your normal self. Pain killers such as Panadol and Advil will relieve some of your pain as they will reduce the expansion of the blood vessels that cause headaches. - A BIG BREAKFAST
We recommended bacon and eggs and plenty of toast to continue to absorb all that excess alcohol left behind.
These are our tips for dodging your hangover (or at least minimising it as much as possible) and having you get started into a cracking 2018!
By Adriana Vanni